Cubstuff! -

Moving up to Scouts

While it is not necessary for a Cub about to start at Scouts to KNOW the Scout Prayer, they will feel more comfortable if they have a chance to read it and be familiar with it beforehand.

The Scout Promise
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to my God
And to the Queen of Australia
To help other people, and
To live by the Scout Law.

note: it is acceptable for the individual to choose to say "and to Australia" for the 4th line if they so choose.  

The Scout Law
A Scout is trustworthy.
A Scout is loyal.
A Scout is helpful.
A Scout is friendly.
A Scout is cheerful.
A Scout is considerate.
A Scout is thrifty.
A Scout is courageous.
A Scout is prespectful.
A Scout cares for the environment.
The Scout Prayer
Almighty and everlasting God,
By whose grace thy servants are enabled to fight
The good fight of faith and ever prove victorious;
We humbly beseech thee so to inspire us
That we may yield our hearts to thine obedience
And exercise our wills on thy behalf.
Help us to think wisely,
To speak rightly,
To resolve bravely,
To act kindly,
To live purely.
Bless us in body and soul
And make us a blessing to our comrades.
Whether at home or abroad
May we ever seek the extension of thy kingdom.
Let the assurance of thy presence
Save us from sinning,
Strengthen us in life and comfort us in death.
O Lord our God, accept this prayer

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© 2010 Ian Moggs, all rights reserved.
However - rights are given for copying and printing for personal use or use in cub-scout or similar groups.
Last updated 14th June 2010.

Email me anytime - i2 @ robian .net (without the spaces).