Part 3 – Ropes

(Outdoor Scouting)


Tying Knots
Tie a reef knot The Reef Knot (also called the Square Knot) is a binding knot used to tie a rope around something to secure it. It can also be used to tie two identical ropes together, but the MUST be of the same size, material, age, and condition, or the knot WILL slip. For joining two ropes, a sheet bend is superior. The reef knot is also used when tying a triangular bandage to make a sling.
NOTE – It is much more effective to have the cubs tie two ropes of different colours, so they properly understand how to tie the knot.


Tie a clove hitch A Clove Hitch is used to tie a rope to a batten or post. It is usually finished with a half-hitch stopper back around the standing line to prevent slippage, as a "safety". This knot is also used as the starting tie-down on a rope before tying the truckies hitch on the other end.


Tie a sheetbend The Sheet Bend is used for joining two ropes. It will work with identical ropes or ropes of different sizes, materials, and stiffness. It is less likely to slip than a square or reef knot.
Care of Ropes
Name the parts of a rope The parts of a rope are:
  • The Standing End – the end that does NOT have the knot in it
  • The Working End – The active end of a line used in making the knot. May also be called the 'running end' or 'live end'
  • The Standing Line (or Standing Part) -the long middle part of a rope not in the knot.
  • Working part - Section of line between knot and the working end.



© 2008 Ian Moggs - rights are given for copying and printing for personal use or use in cub-scout or similar groups.